Here Are The Memories...

Here are some pictures of mine. A treasure forever, reminisce whenever.
Photos overload!!!

back when I was a baby

My first birthday.

My parents usually dress me up like a
girl  when I was a kid and I hate it.

Christmas time!!!

They say I'm a little congressman. Do you agree?
I hope not.

field demonstration

a chubby kid

me together with my elementary friends

me and my family

me, my family and relatives

And this is me now!

A Bit of My Pastime

Literature has fascinated me from an early age. I read and write, read and write a lot. In fact, I won the 2nd place award for poem category in our English week way back when I was a fourth grader, and I am truly happy with it.

I really am an active child before. I repeat, BEFORE. 
I was always an active child before, yet all I need to settle down were good books. The worlds created from the pages within my mind were wondrous and amazing.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”           -- Albert Einstein

So here I am, unleashing the literary in me, letting my heart speak of thoughts more than my mind.

At the age of 10, I was awakened to the love of sports; more specifically, basketball. It is an all-time favorite sport among Filipinos as it is obvious on televisions, covered courts and even on vacant lots. 

I consider it as my hobby not only because I love playing it but also it does teaches lessons in life. It is my game, the game that portrays my way of living. 

Basketball isn't just a game of dribbling and shooting. Let's go deeper into its essence. It is a game of life; an interaction between allies and opponents, persuasions and hindrances. It is a game of mistakes on which we ought to minimize. Most of all, it is reality, a scenery without cuts or second trials. You can't tell the referee for a second chance after having committed a foul. That's life, it doesn't always offer second chances. Like a ball, it rolls over, sometimes you're down but remember that a ball is round. It gives fair chances to all. Time will come that you will be there, right on top, unreachable by others as what you used to dream of.

These two hobbies of mine, as what I think, is the perfect combination for having me considered as a sports editor of the prestigious Augustinan Herald, Colegio San Agustin-Biñan High School Department's official school paper. 

Starlight, Starbirght

At times, we were asked by our teachers to make an autobiography about ourselves but this time, with a twist. We are to make a blog and show the world who we really are since this is already a part of the Internet. So today, let me share to you a part of the story of my life.

Here's how it started...

A one-year-old jolly kid and that's me!!!
'Twas a sun-shiny afternoon (1:45 pm) on Wednesday, 18th of June year 1997. Exactly three years after they had wed, my mother gave birth to her first and one and only son named "Carlo Miguel". Most probably an excerpt from my parents' name Carlito and Micaela Laila. Then, nicknamed "Mico". After a couple of years or two, she again gave birth to Chiara, my first younger sister, then followed by Carla. And we live as a one big happy family.

Keep movin' guys. I'm waiting for my award.
I took the first step of my education, my primary foundation at Golden Lampstand Learning Center in Pacita. I studied there for two years and bagged first honor twice.

I'm a certified Augustinian \m/
Time came that I have to leave that school for a better quality of education. I transferred to Colegio San Agustin - Biñan on where I built new friendship, gained wisdom and developed great understanding.  And again, during my senior kinder and preparatory years, fate seems to be so kind for giving me the award of being the first honor; but suddenly, during my elementary years, the competition seems to be so tough. My overall ranking ranges from top 6 to 8 from being the prestigious top 1. But after all, education isn't about the competition. It's about the learning you are to attain and the moral values you are to cherish. Now, I'm fourteen, already a sophomore and still on my way to the road of success.
The sweet fruits of my hardworking labor.